
We collaborate and innovate to move your mission forward

We offer a comprehensive suite of management and technology services, allowing us to consider your challenges from every angle and to craft customized, informed solutions.

Strategic Plan | Program Support | Change Management | Turnaround Strategy

Cloud Migration/Optimization/Data Science | Enterprise Application | Systems Network Administration

Construction Quality Management (CQM) | Facility Management | Planning, Scheduling, Commissioning | QA/Safety

Systems Network Administration | Program Support | A&E | CM | Biomedical Engineering | Help Desk

Who We Are

Established in 2016, MGR Professional Services is committed to providing consistently exceptional performance. From strategy and management services to IT systems and cloud integration, from engineering and construction management to staff augmentation, we have the tools and experience to help you create greater impact.

What We Do

We bring an unwavering commitment to our government and private-sector clients. We provide leadership, functional expertise, and service to help you succeed and meet performance goals.

Who We Serve

Why MGR?

At MGR, we
  • Assist our clients with solutions to their most difficult problems
  • Put our team of management and technology professionals to work for you
  • Take your vision and make it a reality

Contract Vehicles

Federal and state agencies can access MGR services and leverage the full strength of our capabilities through a wide range of easy-to-use government contract vehicles.

Our socio-economic status as an SBA-certified 8(a) makes it easy for Federal customers to engage us and experience our expertise and customer service.